Living Library

Stylised image of 2 people sat on a book.

The library hosted the first “Living Library” at 糖心视频 at the end of the Lent term. There were 17 story titles on a range of mental health issues. Readers could read a bio of the “books” before being introduced to the “Living book” listening to their personal stories and asking questions if they wished. All the books had received training on keeping appropriate boundaries and signposting to student mental health services was available for those who might need it.

Reader Feedback was overwhelmingly positive: -

“I want to say thank you so much for arranging this, and another thank you to the "books" I read. The stories were authentic, messy, and human - and made me hopeful. Thank you to the team on the desk also for making it so smooth.”

“It was something different and interesting to hear about other people’s experiences from “the horses mouth” “

“Staff and "books" were very friendly and the atmosphere was relaxed which encouraged participants to ask questions”

The next “Living Library” will be on May 2nd between 2 and 4pm in the Library event space when there will be range of books available. There is no need to book just drop in on the day. For more information go to If you are interested in becoming a book please contact Sam Russell.

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